Il ricordo dedicato all’Ing. Luigi Goglio, fondatore di Giflex, presentato il 19 ottobre 2022 durante il convegno Giflex “Avvolgiamo il futuro!”.
Il ricordo dedicato all’Ing. Luigi Goglio, fondatore di Giflex, presentato il 19 ottobre 2022 durante il convegno Giflex “Avvolgiamo il futuro!”.
Flexible News is the monthly newsletter published by Giflex to inform and involve every single member company in the life of the association, reaffirm the dialogue with its associates and promote a sense of belonging to the association itself.
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Giflex is a participating actor in the realisation of the Plastics Observatory, a project conceived by Carlo Alberto Pratesi of the Faculty of Corporate Economy of the Roma Tre University with the goal of addressing, together with businesses and associations, the controversial issue of the sustainability of plastics. The key players involved in this initiative are manufacturers of rigid and flexible plastic packaging, food production companies using plastics as raw materials for their packaging, recycling and end-of-life waste management operators and companies whose products are sold to the end consumer via automatic vending machines. The Observatory follows a systemic, scientific and pragmatic approach to produce information to support decision-making on the use and management of plastics.
Advances in the Packaging Industry is an international technical conference for the packaging industry. The aim of the event, which is usually held over two days and is conducted in English only, is to bring all the experts in the industry together and give them an opportunity to share and discuss the latest developments and scientific discoveries in the field. Giflex is the main organiser of the event in collaboration with CRdC Tecnologie (the regional technological skill centre).
The competition “YouPack…Let’s learn to be flexible” is one of the initiatives envisioned by the protocol of agreement between MIUR and ENIPG intended to strengthen the link between schools and the professional world through projects including specific activities conducted in collaboration with associations and businesses in the sector to help students develop skill sets and maximise the efficacy of workshop activities. The initiative consists of a programme of inventive/creative and communication activities to raise awareness among the young students of topics related to packaging in general and flexible packaging in particular, explaining what packaging is, what its function is, its value for society, the materials used to manufacture it and the correlation between packaging and the environment, with an emphasis on how packaging can contribute to minimising both the production of waste and the impact of pollution associated with food wastage.
Giflex organises assemblies, conferences and workshops on specific topics for the flexible packaging industry.
In addition to organising the main events related to the activities of the association (committee meetings, Spring assembly for converter members, Autumn assembly and open conference for all associates) the association encourages the participation of its staff and the personnel of associate companies in national and international expos and other events in order to raise awareness of the latest developments in the sector and promote the values of flexible packaging.
The Giflex group also represents the sector in its liaisons with institutions and is open to collaboration with both sector-related and generalist news and media channels.
Giflex offers its members training and skill development courses for technical and sales personnel.
Giflex courses are conceived to offer a highly professional response to the needs of the businesses operating in the sector. In particular, sales courses, which address sales techniques, technical aspects of the product and fundamental economic and financial concepts and principles are developed in collaboration with the Marketing Committee.
The Association produces economical-statistical reports and sector related technical documents and studies and distributes these materials to its members.
Giflex works with the support of the Assografici and Confindustria Statistical Department, uses the consulting services of Prometeia and collaborates with other national and international associations to gather accurate, up-to-date information on sector-specific developments and general trends in the market. In particular, Giflex produces and publishes the following on an annual basis: surveys and statistical reports on the print technology and paper conversion macro-sectors, specific surveys and statistical reports relative to flexible packaging, financial report analyses of associate companies, peer analysis and relative benchmarking on a European level. Giflex also works in collaboration with research centres and universities.
From a technical standpoint, Giflex provides its members with guidelines on: raw materials purchasing specifications, sales specifications for flexible packaging and compliance with sector-related legislative requirements (food contact compliance, GMP, traceability etc.).
Giflex provides associates with in-depth and up-to-date information concerning technical and legislative aspects, awareness-raising activities and news relative to flexible packaging.
The Association also monitors and provides up-to-date information on developments in institutional matters and national and EU regulations and standards and offers support to associate companies for specific problems related to sustainability and the environment.
The primary tools used by the Association to inform its associate companies are: communications, newsletters, the association website, social networks and news and documents published in the reserved area.
The Sustainability Committee consists of environmental experts of associate converters participating on a voluntary basis.
Through the activities of specialised work groups, the committee continuously monitors and maintains a constantly revised knowledge base of all aspects concerning the environment and the circular economy. This committee collaborates with the Marketing Committee to develop content and produce position papers for the sector.
Topic-specific documents and communiqués are published to provide precise, detailed and up-to-date information to the entire associate base.
The Marketing Committee consists of marketing&communication managers of associate converters participating on a voluntary basis.
Through the activities of specialised work groups, the committee organises targeted actions to promote and communicate the values of flexible packaging. The committee also prepares training courses for the personnel of associate companies.
Topic-specific documents and communiqués are published to provide precise, detailed and up-to-date information to the entire associate base.
The Technical Committee consists of technical staff of associate converters participating on a voluntary basis.
Through the activities of specialised work groups, the committee continuously monitors and maintains a constantly revised knowledge base of all technical and legislative aspects related to the production and application of flexible packaging.
Topic-specific documents and communiqués are published to provide precise, detailed and up-to-date information to the entire associate base.